The Swiss Association for Technical Inspections (SVTI) is the host of the event, which has a long tradition in the field of Nondestructive Testing in Civil Engineering. It is the international event for researchers, practitioners, developers, clients and investors, organized only every three years, at selected locations worldwide.
The conference will be filled with a multiple track scientific program, and especially, with live demos of innovations. Clients and investors in the field of infrastructure management and advancing technologies will get first-hand information about cutting-edge advancements and best practices. The potentially disruptive impact of structural diagnostics in the age of Industry 4.0, covering both inspection and evaluation, will also be a hot topic of the conference.
The symposium will have presentations on the state-of-the-art and the state-of-the-practice on NDE and SHM; including field applications, case studies and technology innovations for the condition assessment of concrete components such as bridges, park decks, containments or other relevant elements of infrastructure. An additional focus is put on the topics standardization, training and education, quality control and quality assurance (QC/QA), new condition assessment methods, Artificial Intelligence as well as Building Information Modeling (BIM) in highway infrastructure evaluation and management programs.